Quick Links For Patients
Learn more about how RevoFit is reimbursable with your insurance!
Lou Figueroa one of our Adjustability Mentors speaks to why the new LCode for RevoFit can benefit everyone! Curious to learn more, click the image above.
Amputee Resources & Information
Learn about our amputee resources and how adjustability can solve your fit, comfort, and suspension challenges!
NEW Blog: Meet Lexie Bader
After a snowboarding accident led to amputations, she transformed her life, becoming a stunning runway model with running blades before pursuing a career as the first female double amputee semi-truck driver in the U.S.
NEW Blog: The Active Amputee Podcast
The Active Amputee, featuring Chris Rains and the role sports played in Chris’s recovery.
Quick Links For Providers
Did you know, when you incorporate RevoFit into a PDE orthosis, you can use code L2330 for reimbursement!
Click HERE for more information.
RevoFit Single Stage
Gain some quick insights into RevoFit socket in a single-stage lamination.
CMS Coding Updates – Lower Limb Prostheses
On May 2, 2024, CMS released LCD (ID-33787) and Policy Article Revisions (A52496) for L5783, the new HCPCS code established for RevoFit for Lower Limb Adjustable Prosthetic Sockets.
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Update May 2nd
Policy Article Revisions (A52496) for L5783, "The predicate product is RevoFit manufactured by Click Medical.
Are you going to OTWorld in Germany and are you an avid RevoFit user?
If so, join us at our booth for an exclusive opportunity to shape the future of adjustability! Brett Vladika, Click Medical's Product and Research VP, will be hosting one on one sessions where you can provide valuable feedback. SIGN UP NOW, SPACE IS LIMITED.
RevoFit’s NEW HCPCS Code L5783 goes into effect next week on April 1st, 2024!
With this achievement, the RevoFit technology will be more accessible, continuing to foster positive outcomes.
How can adjustability help solve your fit, comfort, and suspension challenges? Take the quiz and find out!
Speak with one of our Adjustability Mentors. It helps to talk to someone who has been there.
Sydney Mashburn
AK RevoFit® user since 2021
Lou Figueroa
Bi-lateral RevoFit® user since 2015
Whether you are new to limb loss or just learning about Click Medical's adjustable technology, we invite you to connect with our Adjustability Mentors. Everyone’s journey is different and having a seasoned amputee to talk to is very helpful.
Click Medical's Adjustable Solutions
Fit and Comfort
RevoSurface is added to your existing device.
If you need a better fit and comfort now and are not eligible for a new device, ask your provider for RevoSurface.
RevoFit is fabricated into a new device.
If you are ready for a new better-fitting socket, ask your provider for RevoFit.
Secure Suspension
Goodbye Frustration. Hello Secure Suspension.
RevoLock gently draws your limb into
safe and secure position with a twist of dial.