You Won’t Believe What Is Possible With Click Medical Solutions Part 1

Did you know? Click Medical Has Adjustability Mentors
Whether you are new to limb loss or just learning about Click Medical's adjustable technology, we invite you to connect with our Adjustability Mentor.

Lou Figueroa
Bi-lateral RevoFit® user since 2015

Sydney Mashburn
AK RevoFit® user since 2021

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It wasn’t too long ago that an amputee or a person with a severe disability had to put up with an ill-fitting prosthetic or orthotic device fabricated with imprecise adjustment systems like Velcro or hook & loop straps. Even those who could afford devices with the best design and fabrication still had major fit and comfort issues.
But technology has come a long way to address the fit and performance of prosthetic devices and Click Medical is leading the way. Here we begin or journey looking into a few people who are pushing themselves and their devices to accomplish things that just weren’t possible before.
Cyclist Nick Gibb uses ClickFit straps to enhance the performance of his AFO.
As a result of a serious work accident, Nick Gibb wears an AFO. Undeterred, Nick continued his cycling and is now a major contender to be on the USA Para-Olympic Road cycling team.
We helped Nick increase the performance of his competition AFO by replacing his Velcro straps with our ClickFit straps featuring the Boa Closure System. The results have been dramatic.
In Nick’s words “The difference in performance and comfort is amazing. During a ride I can reach down with one hand and dial in the fit that I need. Plus I’m much more secure in the AFO.”
What Nick has been up to recently:
With extensive travel all over the country, he has been battling hard for the top spots across road racing. He makes time for his family and honoring those who have helped him get to where he is today.
From Nationals to the High Desert Omnium Road Race to the Velodrome to Olympic training, Nick has made incredible progress. Make sure to follow him on Facebook and Instagram for his latest and greatest.