CMS Coding Updates – Lower Limb Prostheses

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Lou Figueroa
Bi-lateral RevoFit® user since 2015

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AK RevoFit® user since 2021

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On May 2, 2024, CMS released LCD (ID-33787) and Policy Article Revisions (A52496) for L5783, the new HCPCS code established for RevoFit for Lower Limb Adjustable Prosthetic Sockets.
The LCD (Local Coverage Determination) was added to the HCPCS codes table based on CMS HCPCS coding determinations.
Read Full LCD Release
The newly updated policy article 52496 states L5783 describes a complete mechanical product used as an addition to the current lower extremity prosthetic base socket and socket replacement codes. This system is a kit of components (reel, cable, or similar) incorporated into a custom-fabricated socket. The beneficiary can manually adjust their socket volume throughout the day, decrease or increase. The predicate product is RevoFit manufactured by Click Medical.
Read Full Policy Article
“With this week’s release of the LCD and Policy article for L5783, the new HCPCS code that describes the RevoFit System, we pause briefly to reflect. We are thrilled for the broad acceptance of RevoFit in the O&P Community over the past 10 years, and even more excited to have been awarded the reimbursement code and coverage, active April 1, 2024. This new ‘L-Code’ means millions of Americans suffering from limb loss and limb difference, will now have access to adjustable prosthetic sockets to manage limb volume change and socket fit, powered by RevoFit. Patients with adjustable sockets report better outcomes and practitioners indicate this level of empowerment reduces time and expense refitting and remaking sockets. Finally, O&P professionals can be reimbursed for delivering adjustable sockets to deserving patients. We are grateful for CMS’ decision to award this new code, and hope it inspires other innovators.”
Brian Simmons – Click Medical, VP Business Development
To learn more about the newly approved HCPCS Code L5783
Click Here