Cosi Talks avec l'invité spécial Sidney Smith et Sydney Marshburn - Amputés actifs, parlent de tout ce qui concerne l'ajustabilité
Le saviez-vous ? Click Medical a des mentors en matière d'adaptabilité
Que vous soyez novice en matière de perte de membres ou que vous découvriez la technologie ajustable de Click Medical, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec notre mentor en ajustabilité.

Lou Figueroa
Bi-latéral RevoEn forme® utilisateur depuis 2015

Sydney Mashburn
AK RevoFit® utilisateur depuis 2021

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Sur ce Cosi Talks, Cosi Belloso, MSPT parlé à propos de how active amputees love using adjustability for daily life and being active.
Cosi was joined by Sidney Smith & Sydney Marshburn.
Live event occurred: Wednesday, May 17th, 8:30 pm EST
Curieux de savoir si l'ajustabilité RevoFit vous convient ?
Whether you are new to limb loss or just learning about Click Medical’s adjustable technology, we invite you to connect with one of our RevoFit® mentors, Lou Figueroa or Sydney Marshburn. Everyone’s journey is different and having a seasoned amputee to talk to is very helpful.
Full Transcript Below, Enjoy!
live so I have tonight the battle of the Sydney’s here tonight we’ve got Sydney marshburn and we have Sydney Smith
so guys thank you for joining us this evening and they are my guests courtesy of Click medical the makers of the
revofit adjustable system so we’re going to be talking a little bit about that this evening and you guys are going to get a chance to ask both sidneys all
your questions about using an adjustable socket and staying active because these two have written the book on that so
we’re going to give you guys a couple minutes to jump on board this evening all right and guys I am broadcasting to
both my YouTube and my Facebook pages so you’re welcome to watch me on either one those of you watching the replay please
feel free to give me a shout out in the comment section and say replay and if you have any questions go ahead and put them there as well I do go back and
check to see the shows after we’ve shut them down to see if there’s any leftover questions there so we got Sean Brown on
board guys those of you who are new to my show you have a small hazing ritual you got to tell me who you are where
you’re from and what’s in your mug I’ve got my click medical mug even though I’m drinking my diet coke what do y’all got
[Music] got my Yeti mug got yours all right I don’t have a Yeti bag
with water cool kids we gotta get Jamie to send you one all right so guys we’re going to be wrapping a few of these off
this evening really nice Yeti mugs so we’ve got Jill coming in from Berkeley we got Sean from Jacksonville Florida
fellow Floridian we’ve got oh a lot of people just jumped on board this is gonna be a good group tonight excellent It’s a Party
all right we got oh [Laughter]
took that one down too fast we got Starla there with tuck in Texas with her Dr Pepper we’ve got Sean with his uh
Publix green iced tea there we go and I know he’s from Florida then all right we got Theresa I haven’t been in a while
from Albuquerque we’ve got Marianne with water from South Dakota Pastor David is on board so it is a party and he’s got
his tea we got Kim there drinking boring water that’s okay we’ll still let you on board Kim we got Emily from Central PA
she’s got her strawberry dragon fruit lemonade refresh she always has the most interesting drinks we’ve got Patricia coming in from Naples Eric with his
lemon water watching me from the YouTube channel we’ve got Felicia from Atlanta and she’s gonna go grab her click
medical Yeti okay so she’s already the winner on the show there we go all right guys we’re just gonna give you another
minute to jump on board this evening okay and Sydney where are you you’re moving this next week right damn yes
you’re moving to tell us about the move that you’re making I will be moving from Murfreesboro Tennessee to
Denver Colorado and I’m that’s a bit of a jump and is that going
to be to help you get closer to kind of The Romp headquarters it is yeah so my apartment actually seven minutes away
so I got really lucky when I was asking that’ll be nice that’ll be nice and then
Sydney where are you hunting right now I saw you you were fishing yes it’s
all for the hunting for me but no I uh I am in Vernal Utah right now northeast corner right by Colorado and Wyoming
excellent all right we got Gene it’s a party guys so we’re gonna go ahead and officially get started for those of you watching the show for the first time
welcome my name is kosi bayoso I’m a physical therapist amputee specialist here in Tampa Florida and as I mentioned
earlier we are uh having the show tonight courtesy of Click medical and we have two wonderful guests Sydney
marshburn and Sydney Smith on board thankfully Sydney marshburn put on her her last name there so we’ll be able to sell them apart when we’re talking to
them guys don’t be shy this evening these folks have been through it gotten
been there done that gotten the t-shirt and they have wonderful life experiences that they will be sharing with us this
evening and also how they’ve been using the click medical revofit socket to help them get back to their very active
lifestyle so we’re going to get into that in just a little bit boy that Diet Coke is really getting me
this evening all right we got Richard coming in from Arkansas with uh his French roast tonight that’s
very nice we got Chuck on board we got gomada there good to see you all right guys so let’s just talk a
little bit about click medical and rebofit unless you guys have been living under a rock you guys have probably already seen one of my click medical
shows either last year or this year they’ve been a wonderful supporter of the show and I gotta say when it comes
to adjustable sockets they are my favorite um so I’m just going to kind of pull out my demo socket here they they hooked me
up here with this one okay so they are the makers of the revo fit adjustable system so with the
revofit adjustable system okay your prosthetist orders a kit like this and
it comes with all the parts that they need to build adjustability into your socket okay this particular is a model
socket so it’s got a lot of action going on you can do a gap design you can do a panel design or you can do a hinge
design okay and the way they’re controlled is with these little boa dials or click reel depending on the
kind that you order okay the panels loosen up I gotta keep
it in the frame it loosens up you put the socket on twist twist twist twist twist twist
twist and as you can see it starts to tighten up now I loosened it a lot so that you can see on the camera how it
works but basically this is how you adjust your socket so instead of having to take your socket on and off five six
seven times a day to adjust the socks all you have to do is just twist the dial and off you go and now with the new
click reel you can forward adjust it to tighten it and then you can micro adjust it to loosen it just a little bit at a
time which I really love that feature so that’s the revo fit and guys I have so many videos on the revo fit I would
encourage you to go to my YouTube channel and you can find all the videos there that we’ve done on the revofit then we have the revo lock which is one
of their systems their suspension system okay so it’s a mechanical lock system we’re going to be doing a whole show on
suspension systems in August with Joe he’s the creator of the revofit system so we’re going to be doing a lot of
suspension on that show and then we have the revo surface which is the one I’m really excited about
that’s this one right here so basically for those of you who are not due yet to get a new socket but you want to put
adjustability into it the revo surface it’s a very similar kit that your prosthetist receives and they can build
it to your existing sockets which for me is just like Game Changer especially for those of you who aren’t sure if this is
right for you or you’re not ready for a new socket yet or maybe you really love the socket that you’re in you like the
shape of it and you just want to add the adjustability to it all right so that is Click Medical in a nutshell Okay and
like I said guys I’ve done lots of shows with them go to the YouTube channel check out all the details it’ll tell you who’s a candidate for the revofit how
you can talk to your prosthetist about this how it works on a day-to-day basis for you okay so I’m going to announce
our first giveaway winner and then I’m going to zip it and let the sydneys take over this show um so guys earlier this week we sent out
a new click medical quiz and I really like this about click medical they really like to learn from the community
they want to know what is it that you’re what are your needs how can they help you and how can they improve their products to reflect that so they’re
always putting out these quizzes that you see me sending out to you and emails and text messages okay so we did a
raffle on that and our winner is Michael Davies so I don’t know if he’s on board this evening but Michael Davies congratulations we’re going to be
sending you a very very nice Yeti click medical mug all right so with that said
we’re going to introduce we’re going to let City marshburn lady source is going to go this evening start off with her
story so Sydney uh was came to me with collect Medical
and we had a really nice discussion and you have quite an interesting medical history that is not very common however
we do have a lot of viewers on the show that share your medical history um so I’m going to let you take over
yeah yeah so my name is and I am an above me
with my left I lost it all years ago a little over a year and a half so it’ll be two years in laid on
um I grew up and I was an athlete student like very serious about
everything I did and then I’ll start catching up to me and I was with a
genetic connective tissue disorder called Eller serum and I was diagnosed with sounds just kind
um essentially what ehlers is a defect in collagen
so I am one of the most people my skin is more elastic locate things frequently and that can be one very painful
whatever a joint yeah and for me it
sounds life-threatened path if you want to call it that um my skull started
dislocating from the rest of my fine it was gradual internal
decapitation and severe brain regression so I always
and it just kind of attributed um you know you’re an athlete you’re a
lot of required your shoulders they just come out that’s what and um it took
a senior in high school when I fully diagnosed and it was surgery after
surgery and um so when I was a senior in high school right
excited I had my first spinal fusion and it was anal Fusion which caused a rare
compliment complex regional pain syndrome so my leg was just then it would
be blisters and become get infected and hot lasts like
six months at a time it’s very it was very painful it was very scary on my last infection
in August of 2021 becoming more septic-like
so um and it had to go 36 hours later so
that kind of differentiates me between other people who have had
if you had no pains syndrome and you have
mine was right Collective yeah I mean I’m doing grand
um I went to tissue disorder that’s not gonna go but right now the life and taken care of
so you know balls to the wall is exciting and I get
to just do with life patterns so I’m just excited to be back
and that’s amazing like I said we do have quite a few viewers that have CRPS and it’s heartbreaking to hear sometimes
the symptoms and the lack of quality of life as a result of having that pain um so to see someone like yourself who
has such a successful outcome after the surgery I know is going to be encouraging to many of my viewers I got
one question here let’s see Emily said would it be helpful for someone who deals with lymphedema and deals with fluctuation and swelling I was supposed
to get my prosthesis today and tried it on it didn’t fit my leg was a bit too swollen so Emily yes in the sense that
having an adjustability in your socket definitely is something for someone who fluctuates a lot in volume because you
have that lymphedema and I know that you’re being followed by a lymphedema specialist um the biggest thing that you want to
focus and make sure about is that there’s not over compression in the socket but you would have to be aware of that even if you were using socks as
management so that’s something that someone who has lymphedema always has to be aware that they’re not creating a
tourniquet effect with the socket whether they’re using an adjustable one like the revo fit or whether they’re
using socks to manage their fit uh but great question uh let’s see
we’ve got lots of people just starting to pour in some of their questions so let’s try to see if we can keep up with this tonight uh Sean says just found out
about these I think people that are very active to know about the underliners yep and been talking to the process about
click medical um and Sean one of the things I really love about this particular adjustable socket is I’ve seen the whole gamut of
users with this socket I see folks who are not very active um that are getting some really great
results because they have underlying medical conditions that cause a lot of swelling a lot of shrinkage throughout
the day and then folks like both the sydneys here that they are on the other side where they’re very very active and
they need the adjustability to help with their activity level so Sydney you’re you’re just out I mean less than two
years out most of my patients they’re still undergoing limb volume changes from the actual
surgery and remodeling so can you talk to us a little bit about that yeah so
um with my story specifically contracted osteomyelitis so bone
infection in my residual a few months after so I had one
um edema and then just the swelling and from that so aren’t sure what my um
going to you know just it wasn’t gonna stay the way it was this is
I think well I think I was after my of um or just
getting around to like Year One be where it actually started
it started shrinking especially I was a late rumor if you wanna that way
um and now um I actually I got a socket and
now ready for a new one and I was a month to go but insurance
all that kind of yes yes has been extremely helpful to you just just
to continue being able to put my my leg on and this is something that for
my folks who are new to being amputees that are still in those first couple of years I think this is a huge frustration
I run into with my patients is um what’s going on with my limb why is it shrinking why is it changing so much
I finally get a comfortable fit in the socket and now it doesn’t fit anymore it’s too loose um so it’s nice to see that something
like this click medical socket can work for someone who’s new to being an amputee and it’s a lot less frustrating than having to learn how to manage all
those socks throughout the day uh let’s see Sean says I really want to get back
to long distance running Sean stick around because Mr Sydney is going to tell you a little bit about that a
little bit very shortly um I do apologize guys I know there’s sometimes a little bit of the sound cutting out sometimes when we have more
than two people on the show sometimes the sound Cuts in and out so we will try if there’s something that you guys want
to ask either of the Sydney’s please put it into the comments section and if you can’t hear their particular answer let
me know and we’ll try to kind of translate and get those answers out there with the sound and audio video
uh let’s see so Sydney tell us now a little bit about the activities that you’ve been able to get back into
so when I was I made a promise to myself to just say yes to everything
and see where and so very exciting medical mindset and they’ve been they’ve
been so great I actually cycling and
I was nice beforehand that say yes to everything and so I did
37 Rocky Mountains uh before my one year post-op and um yeah
really just any for and right now I’m really excited um hope to start training for the para
Alpine Ski and Denver right here Colorado is a great place to do yeah you
get some good skin here right here and if the hairless ever gets a pair of water pools team I would love to get
back and often is like it’s becoming a big
big thing just not here yet fingers crossed we we get our
that’s awesome and then what’s going on tell us about romp because you’ve recently partnered with romp
yes yes so early at the end of January I’d be came romps events and Outreach
manager to I have loved every minute working with them I work on the
fundraising and their campaigns are in the middle of Mobility man so it is not too late anyone
can join we are our Mobility while racing funds for people who wouldn’t
so you know join get your frame and help us give empty to you
wonderful and Sydney if you had any advice for the folks who are new to being amputees what would be your advice
right now yes um my the best I’ve received is
be okay with being creative there is a long list of things that you
know nothing for for me is impossible I just have to maybe work a little on my
way around these adaptability situation
um you know like click medical understand that and we all have to adjust
so the biggest piece of oh and go easy on yourself Not Gonna Stand just walk out of the
Hospital like I’ve lost their limb differently don’t compare yourself to others dear said
then so guilty of this myself it is really like
just be open to trying new things telling young people you can make
the best of of a bad situation and to do so
and say yes to everything yes just say yes
I love it okay uh let’s see so click medical says Miss Sydney was our SBT
gravel giveaway winner she bit 37 miles and ended in the pouring rain that is dedicated right there
um guys what I’m gonna go ahead and do is we’re going to try to we’re going to do our next giveaway and then we’re
gonna have Mr Sydney uh tell his story and Miss Sydney I’m gonna go ahead and put you in the green room just to see if
we can help with the audio situation but I’m gonna have you there just in case anybody has any questions we can bring you bring you back on board is that okay
okay all right so guys I’m just gonna put her in the green room she’s not off the show so in case if you guys have any
other questions for Miss Sydney we’ll we’ll bring her back on board let’s see if it helps a little bit with the audio
in the meantime guys we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna bring you back before the end
um in the meantime we’re gonna go ahead and try our second giveaway so my handy dandy assistant from click
medical Jamie is gonna post a link in that link okay you’re gonna scroll
down and it’s gonna be a link to the new click Medical website they gave it a nice little makeover so if you guys
haven’t been there in a while you guys should go exploring there okay and you’re gonna see a section that says do
you do you present with any of these issues with your socket okay and there’s several questions that they’re asking
you there I’m gonna wait till she posts the link
Jerry can you hear us a little bit better now or Jill can you hear us a little bit better now
takes a minute or two for the answers to come in
all right so click medical just posted the link right there guys go to that link okay
and I want you to tell me of the questions that they ask you there
do you struggle with this that or the other tell me which question resonates
most with you which is the struggle that you struggle with the most of the
questions that they ask you in that link and put it into the comments section Kimberly Kim if you look up click
medical just posted a link there
okay so guys take a look at that link look at the questions they’re asking you and then let me know in the comments
section which of those questions resonates most with you and in the meantime we’re gonna let Mr Sydney we’re gonna let Sydney Smith uh get started
with his story so Miss Sydney talked about how she uh had complications from Eller danlos syndrome and also with
complex regional pain syndrome and then Sydney on the other end of the spectrum um you started out with charcoal Marie
tooth um so you’re gonna I know you’re gonna tell us a little bit about that and guys I do want to make a distinction there is a difference between charcoal
Marie tooth disease and charcoal foot and we’ve done a couple of shows on this in the past there so I just want to make
that distinction now there is a difference between the two all right Sydney I’m gonna zip it and I’m gonna let you take take over for now okay well
thank you no I I appreciate the opportunity cozy for having me on but
um yeah I guess I’ll just start and how far do you want me to go like what I had for breakfast this morning or how where
are we ending this well start at the beginning because uh you know it takes you at the charcoal Marie tooth takes
you a little bit further back to the beginning for you yes yes it does so charcoal Marie tooth is in muscular
dystrophy is um however in my case
um I am the only one in this fam in my family that has this disease my parents my siblings
um they weren’t lucky enough to get this awesome disease so um when I was born I was born with a
normal body um just a real run down um you know my hands work my feet worked
just fine and I didn’t have any problems until I turned about eight years old on the playground I started falling a lot
couldn’t keep up with the kids the doctors were looking at my feet and couldn’t determine what was going on and
then when I turned 12 then the deformities started happening my feet would my toes would hammer my ankles
would turn and I get high arches and that’s when I was officially diagnosed did some tests so so sorts and that’s
when I was officially diagnosed with a disease called charcoal Marie tooth and uh so throughout my youth in in teenage
years and uh into the early stages of my adulthood I struggled with this disease
I had lots of surgeries to try to fix them you know just corrected surgeries to keep the ankles straight and and
eventually I got these braces I got these braces uh they kind of look like
the Forest Gump braces if anyone’s seen that movie um so ironically if anyone’s seen that
movie um that’s about right when I got the braces too so at the playground everybody said run Sydney run just like
from the movie run Force run um and so I had these braces growing up uh but uh even that’s with the braces
they weren’t working well uh eventually um I started getting ulcers and
infections because the braces would just start wearing on my skin and then I’d start breaking the bones the feet would
just deteriorate it was a very you know the disease itself sharpenery too it
could probably have heard of it because it’s actually not that rare but in some
cases some types in in my scenario uh it
was pretty pretty rare as far as the severity of it and then eventually when
I turned 33 years old I went to the doctor and I said you know I couldn’t
walk couldn’t do much any anything I had a small family um by the time I had two kids and one on
the way and I was unable to do things that I wanted to do I was just real frustrated and
um kind of angry a little bit uh with with my scenario thinking you know life
is not fair what was me you know that kind of talk and uh I just went to the
doctor’s like there’s got to be more than life and at this point I I guess I was stubborn and I waited too long or
whatnot but the doctor says there’s not much more we could do with your feet um that’s going to give you any Mobility
function and um you know my suggestion is that we amputate your legs
um and so uh in 2015 we decided to amputate the first leg and
um fortunately it didn’t go so well uh shortly after that I got an infection in
the bone and uh being a young amputee I live in a small farming oil-filled Town
not a lot of I don’t know any amputees actually at this point I just assume you know feeling sick and and having fevers
was normal when you lose a limb and the little did I know I was getting this major in fact action that was eating my
bones and so um when I finally went to the doctor again after being so sick
that’s when they decided that they needed to amputate higher and at that point we made a decision that we’re
going to just do the other leg at the same time so um like I said in 2015 I became a double
amputee um I’m below below the knee uh one’s a little bit higher just because we had to
make some changes there and and that’s kind of the beginning of uh of the uh the uh the amputation story
and part two of Life happened yeah so how was that have I mean you had three
children [Music] um undergoing major recovery and having to relearn Mobility so can
you talk to us a little bit about your experiences as a young father yeah that was the hard part just because
you know I you know as the breadwinner and I was really worried that was I going to do the things I love such as
you know being in the outdoors and fishing and playing with my kids it was going to hold a job is my wife going to
find me attractive um am I gonna you know you know have a life or is it just going
to be surgery after surgery after surgery yeah and uh you know one thing that I remember when I you know I think
everyone has this experience when they first notice them you know your limbs are gone I remember looking under the
sheets and I was like oh you know after after coming too and you know crying a little bit and my wife came into the
room she’s like you know no it’s okay it’s okay and I’m telling my wife you know I’m so sorry honey you know you got
to deal with me as a caretaker now and all this mushy stuff and he says if you want to leave me you can do that
um you know I give you I totally understand and my wife looked at me she says you know I could but now that
you’re double amputee um I hear that handicap parking is pretty good I like life
we’re gonna stick it out because uh handicapped parking is pretty amazing but no my wife has always been my anchor
with that kind of stuff and and uh you know it at that point it gave me a spark
to you know to look at life to be more positive to try to do everything the doctor said uh kind of like Sydney’s
story I loved that she said you know you’re going to be yes person you know and that’s you’re gonna and not be
afraid to do that because that really is what it takes and um I I I I I I was in the hospital when
I was making a a kind of I guess an irrational decision um during recovery and and
Rehabilitation um I was watching on TV the Iron Man and
uh that’s when I looked at it I was like I’m going to do this this is what I want to do and people thought I was crazy you
know they thought I was I need some adjustment to my pain pills um I was talking crazy but
um I was just I was just super super
um you know I guess inspired to do this race and so that’s where it all began
that uh you know it was a big goal obviously it was huge uh but I wanted to take it step by step
um you know I wanted to learn how to to walk with prosthetics learn how to to swim to bike to run
um and uh uh you know step by step and do my first 5k and then you know years
go by and I did my first triathlon and and um Eric senior months go by did my first
triathlon and I worked my way up to to the point where I finally got to the to participate in Iron Man and uh four
years later that’s amazing now this is the part where I’m gonna pause for a moment because I know that a lot of times for my viewers I’ve gotten
comments of wow this person’s amazing but I feel discouraged because I see them doing all these amazing things and
what they don’t see is the beginning part and what it took to get to the
amazing things um so can you talk to us a little bit about those first weeks and months after the surgery of
getting back to your Mobility again like what that entailed yeah no I sorry I have on my phone some of the
questions and some of them there was a few comments that I feel you know bad because I I totally
um you know it I feel for some of the people like it’s I I’m not trying to brag I’m I feel
honestly feel blessed that you know some my scenario worked out you know with my spouse and and so forth and and I know
that’s not the case for everybody and I and I feel your pain and I’m I’m deeply sorry that that this has to happen to
you but um I’ll tell you it hasn’t been you know for me all roses and unicorns and
glitter um you know there was some attempts of suicide uh through the
process uh you know just because I felt as a man
um that I was a burden to people um and so I’ve wanted to to stop that
and and basically make a selfless decision that hey I’m not going to cause
pain to other people and then you know have to be a financial burden and have to worry about those things and
and for me you know it was kind of ironic during this whole time of uh
learning to walk at the same time my my daughter who’s now 10 years old she’s
learning she was learning to walk at the same time and the thought process came to my mind
is you know here’s this little girl trying to learn to walk and she doesn’t care that her dad is learning to walk
too she loves me just who I am and that’s the thing about children they’re just so darn accepting and I love that
about them and they love you for who you are and it’s not fair you know obviously
I at the time I I blamed God for this disease that I’ve gotten but it’s uh it
was unfair to my kids if they had a dad that committed suicide and that’s they
don’t deserve that and so I didn’t want that for them to have that life I may have had a life where it’s going to be
you know struggles and or not the best cards so to speak but my kids don’t deserve that and so that was that’s what
was really got me out of the dark spot mentally and when you get out of that dark spot mentally the physical parts
the easy part not always there’s some days that work tougher than others physical part was really or the mental
part was really what puts you up to the next day and the next day I know that’s kind of a long way to
answer your question no but I think people need to hear that because oftentimes I hear you know I’m not an
amputee myself I’m a breast cancer survivor and that’s its own story chapter there but I’m not an amputee and
I cannot relate to my viewers and patients um the way that you can and I think many times they need to hear this
um The Good the Bad and the Ugly and they need to hear the reality of it and to know that they’re not the only ones going through it and that there is a way
out of it um and I think what you said there about your duty as a father
your duty to the people in your life that loved you that to do to take that other route
would have not been the best thing for your family so I’m so glad that you’re here today to
tell us this thank you thank you and we have Jerry Terry says I’m just starting to walk as a bilateral amputee and it’s
tough but I’m determined to work hard and you give me hope Sydney and guys we we know if you’ve been on the show we
know that the statistics for bilaterals who walk are are sometimes a little Grim but what I say to folks is do you want
to be a part of that 10 percent so it’s about 10 of bilateral amputees who are functional ambulators and
getting out there and and living life and and doing all the mobility and it’s a question of do you want to be a part
of that 10 percent um so we got a lot of wonderful
certified bamf and I had to think about that in my head for a moment as to what that meant I was like oh right
thank you and way to go Jerry you keep it up that’s right out of bed every day
that’s what you gotta do that’s right and then Emily said there was a couple on the wall on NBC where
the husband was a quad amputee from a roadside bomb overseas and he learned to walk with his child as well that’s a beautiful iron sharpens iron there we go
um so tell us a little bit about um just the nuts and bolts of those first
few months were in terms of were you receiving Physical Therapy um what were the obstacles that you ran
into you know with two new sockets you were having to learn to use two new sockets at the same time I think the hardest part is like I went
to work right afterwards because I you know we needed them the money and so forth and so it the hard part was
getting to work learning to you know getting around in the crutches my job was an office job I managed a hotel it’s
just a small one here in town and uh the the biggest pain was was just like
because I it was an office job and I couldn’t wear shorts and so I had to wear pants all the time
um and so it was just like just my with my limbs shrinking all the
time having to constantly go to the bathroom adding socks taking off socks trying to find that like perfect fit
because there’s a double amputee you you know when I’m you know fresh on both limbs I can’t baby one because if I baby
one the other one’s Gonna Fill it and then I go back and forth it’s it’s just it’s monotonous
you know sometimes I wish I’d be like golly I mean so I’m so jealous of the single leg amputees and I’m just like
it’s like blues and a pinky toe come on guys but I’m not I definitely know that it’s not not in that case but
um but yeah I I tell you it’s uh the first I I’d say the first year really
was just the Battle of trying to figure that out and I I really wish I had something like the Click at the time
because it would save me a lot of trips to get to the boys bathroom pull down my
pants put on the socks put them back on and so forth so I would have been would
have been nice that was probably the biggest pain I remember so many times so and then it’s just you know the revo fit
if we’re you know since we kind of talked a little bit about the The Click system and and running has been uh where
I’ve you know even today uh because my limb still changes a little bit when I run uh with the pressure and drinking
water and then sweating and and uh you know that that’s help uh first thing in
the morning even then I’ve been amputee now seven years um first thing in the morning everything’s still puffy and it’s nice
to to not feel it always hurts the worst in the morning but then if you know if
it’s not super tight then you know within in an hour so then it hurts again so it’s nice to have that click system
so when did you run into when did you learn about click medical uh it was actually through amputee Blade Runners
um they’re out of Tennessee yes they were on my show a couple months back yeah yeah that’s where it all began
you know when I was training for the Iron Man they were they heard my story and um that’s where I got connected with
them and got into running blades and um you know at the time I I they just
called me say hey do you want to try this click system it’s it’s the newest greatest sexiest thing out there right
now and so I was like you know I didn’t it’s like Holly there’s one more part I have to worry about you know but it or I
was I had this weird paranoia about weights like all the more weight that you have on your leg the you know harder
it is to run long distance but it’s super light um and uh when I went out to Nashville
and they installed it and it was pretty pretty sick like it I was gonna say it probably took weight off because you
didn’t have to wear as many socks yeah no that was that was the ticket and I would that it it I guess I’m stubborn
now I’m 40 years old I’m I guess considered old um change is hard for for some people at
this at my age and so um I had a hard time you know
I guess exploring something new I was like well if it’s not broke why fix it right right it’s so so trying out the
click system was like oh this is nice I do I I do admit it it is a nice setup
and do you have the are you using the new click reel or are you using the boa dial I’m using both so this one this
one’s the the click and then the other one’s the dial okay okay and then I see you have the Gap design
yes yes I love that I do so very nice yeah and then I have a
void you can kind of tell okay boards inside that side because I do that’s where I have a kind of a bony limb and
that’s where most of my impact hits anyways so got it Liz is saying 40 years old ah
you’re still spring chicken Cindy I’m sorry uh let’s see Emily says my
swelling is always better in the morning after my legs have been elevated for a while and that is you know a little bit more particular to lymphedema um but yes
they’re usually for most folks they’re swelling as their limbs a little bit more swollen in the morning because of
the rebound effect that after you’ve been wearing your prosthesis all day long and then you take it off at night
and there’s just a little bit of a rebound swelling um so sometimes I tell folks to wear their shrinkers at night and that also
can sometimes help with the swelling in the morning uh Richard says I have T-shirts that old
okay so Ben Gregory says sorry I just joined did you say the percentage rate for bilaterals to be fully ambulatory is
only around 10 yes but I will say that with an asterisk on it van Gregory um I actually have a really really hard
time finding research on bilateral amputees that’s a statistic that was around back when I was first starting to
practice 20 years ago um and I can tell you not from any official research but just you know in
working with the limb loss community over years that’s kind of an accurate representation that being said that
being said the 10 that I see that are functional ambulators it’s not necessarily because they had a
physical Advantage it’s because they are determined and they are as one person put it bamfs okay the the people I’ve
worked with some bilateral amputees myself that they came into my clinic and on the inside I’m going oh dear I don’t
know if I’m going to be able to get this person to walk again but they are sheer determination got them walking and it’s
something that I see more often in my bilateral patients than I’ve seen in my unilateral just the sheer determination
to say we’re gonna make this work and we’re gonna make it happen um so I put that percentage out there
not to discourage people or not to um scare people but it’s to say there is a
10 out there so do you want to be a part of that 10 percent and that’s how I phrase it all right let me see if there’s any
other questions down here so tell us a little bit uh Teresa
Tom says wait till you hit 60 and I’m running the NYC marathon in November
right there now guys for those of you who don’t are not familiar with the Iron Man Sydney this is where you are going
to have to brag a little bit tell us the distances and what it is that you do for an Iron Man oh it’s for training all
together oh no no like what the race entails is there some folks out there they might hear the word Iron Man but
they don’t understand like this is what you gotta do yeah when I say the Iron Man to like
kids when I go like those little comment things
no the the Iron Man is the I guess the Banff since we’re on that topic of
triathlons it is a 2.4 mile swim and then you bike for 112 miles and then you
run for 26.2 miles you finish it up with a marathon yeah just top it off but you
got to do it under 17 hours that’s that is the ticket all in one day and they don’t they don’t really make an
exception for you know challenged athletes you still have to go that whole distance that’s incredible that’s I mean
I’ve known friends of mine who are able-bodied athletes and they were training for almost a year just to just
to finish that race um so I can only imagine your training schedule must have been insane yeah no
you nailed on the head it was a it was straight up a whole year from top to
bottom you know every day except first you know I take a day off on Sundays to rest but
um you know just eating a ton of calories you know trying you know training during lunch break sleeping a
lot because it’s just so exhausted yeah it ended up being like a part-time job and I I felt bad because I missed out on
a lot of cool family vacations because I was you know out there while they’re playing on the lake on the out in the
corner swimming you know in circles so guys we’re gonna go ahead and put in
our third giveaway So Jamie is going to put a link up for us and when you get this link and I’ll put
it up to I think I’ve got it here
all right when you go to this link sorry I’m like flipping through screens
here all right so both click medical and I we
posted the same link you can pick either link guys okay go to this link you’re
going to see a picture of Sydney and he’s going to look a little different because he’s got a big old big old
Grizzly beard going on right there in that picture right go ahead and click on that picture and it tells a little story
about Sydney and I want you to tell me what is it that the click medical socket
has allowed him to do his quote and I want you to put it in the comment section and by the way our last one oh
my gosh I forgot to say Tom you’re the winner for the last giveaway huh sorry Tom Mister so for your Marathon your NYC
Marathon you’re going to take your click medical mug with you the whole time okay the whole Marathon
there you go so Theo is asking how do you train range of
motion so from a physical therapy standpoint that’s obviously a big one right there right we want mobility and
then with strengthening we create stability right yeah so when it comes to range of motion
it’s finding out where the person is missing range of motion or in cases like
um Miss Sydney where she might have had too much range of motion due to her hello down low syndrome okay so finding
out where the deficiencies are in the range of motion but as I’ve gotten older as a therapist as I’ve become an old
fart therapist I’ve learned to just kind of look at a person individually and say okay if this person is missing range of
motion is it contributing to any problems okay because as our bodies age our bodies kind of have their unique way
of accommodating and compensating for things sometimes those compensations are good sometimes those compensations are
not good so let’s just take hip flexor contraction right do you have any issues with hip flexor tightness Sydney yeah
all the time all the time right it
is bilaterals unilaterals below the knee above the knee hip flexor tightness is a problem okay or it’s present it’s
present but with some of my amputees they may only have five degrees of hip flexor tightness I might not necessarily
be too concerned about that okay for me I take a look at the gate pattern I take a look to see if they’re having any
issues with pain or any issues uh with gait deviations and is it coming from the hip flexor tightness or not someone
who’s an athlete like Sydney then yeah you want to have a lot of good range there because especially when you’re doing your runs you want to be able to
have a lot of good hip range of motion there available and when it comes to training it though I have a lot of
tricks in my bag but I love to do Dynamic stretching okay so basically that means that you’re stretching while
you’re doing movement in the muscle okay and I’m actually going to bring Miss Sydney back on board
all right so we got Miss Sydney back on board hopefully we’ll try to see the audio is
working a little bit better there thank you for waiting so Sydney one of the one of our viewers was asking about how to
train range of motion and I was explaining a little bit about how when there’s tightness especially in the hip
flexors we work on uh Dynamic stretching everything like that but for you you’re on the opposite end of that Spectrum so
do you find that with LR down I always mispronounce that one Eller down low syndrome that you have issues with too
much range of motion and you have to protect those joints absolutely yeah so my RP after surgery
was actually all this strength in those muscles and everything along that line
because I had range of motion and that like goes and I’ve already
got everything you would aim right before if you were so for me it looks
like a lot of straight strengthening a lot of to not use your hamstrings not
use you know those muscles that I don’t have anymore um so it’s a lot of just strengthening
for me here we go and then the Mr Sydney what
is it that you do for your range of motion training like for your Hip Flex or tightness what are some of your favorite exercises
so um first of all like stretching is a huge one and um I actually sounds kind of silly but I
when I swim I don’t swim with prosthetics and I I’m out in the water with all the people that do the um the
aerobics you know I’m sitting there and I’m jogging in the water to just open
trying to oh wow yeah like just kind of waiting in the water and just what it’s
doing though it’s like I’m not putting pressure on my limbs but it’s it’s just getting that muscle memory going to get
that range in and while I’m doing that I’m every time I extend I don’t know
it’s hard to seeing this video extending that motion I’m like using that to
stretch to just and it just feels so good right there on that hip bone um to get that range motion and just
more the more and more I’m I guess jogging in the water it it helps and if
you can’t do that like I would suggest like having some floaties or something like that and then just using using your
limb just going to town I mean that it sounds silly I just made it up and all of a sudden it’s like feels pretty good
no I’ve never heard that before and I like it I like it that’s a great one especially with the water
um so let’s see Lino was asking do we have a link for dynamic extraction yes so Leno right here I have a program that
I created it has over 150 exercises for above and below the knee amputees and in
it I have a huge section on flexibility there so you can click on that link and
there’s videos and there’s also a books available as well uh so yeah Sean is green definitely with
the water aerobics and Jerry says water would be awesome for stretching and guys I love it well I live in Florida so for
us it’s really easy we have year-round access to pools and beaches um so I am constantly sending patients
over to the YMCA for their water aerobics course and it’s wonderful it’s wonderful plus I hear they get the
best gossip there in those groups
all the ladies there um so Mike says the adjustment of tightening the socket gives me a better
fit with the light bulb shape of my socket yep because one quick click can make all the difference in the world and
definitely for folks who have um especially the neatest articulations and the signs amputation that they have kind
of like a bulbous end um that can make it kind of tough to get into that socket having a socket like
the Click medical especially with like a hinge design really makes it a lot easier to get in there my limb is a Ertl
uh proceed so it’s it looks kind of like a light bulb so that’s interesting do you have erdle on both one broke when it
got infected okay one one’s still there and the other one broke and do you find I’m just curious I don’t
meet too many folks with the urinal procedure do you find that you have the advantage on the one that’s intact for the weight-bearing into it
honestly yeah sometimes okay it’s and sometimes no uh okay the only reason why
I like it’s hard to say because the erdo procedure one is a longer limb so there’s less surface areas got it so I I
I’m not I would say if the options there go for it but if it’s it’s it don’t let
that be an excuse like oh I don’t have an Ertl so I can’t run so obviously absolutely not there’s ways around
everything like that okay and we just got our third winner Kim Kimberly Richards you’re the winner
for the third giveaway so you’re gonna get a cheer up and put your name down here to make sure we don’t forget guys
for our three winners we have Michael Davies Tom McIntyre and Kim Richards please please please please email me my
email up there okay email me and send me your addresses
and we’re gonna send you the yeti click medical mug yes all right now I’m scrolling through
here Sydney said Sydney is stud local
inspiration and heroes so Sydney Mr Sydney tell us a little bit about what you’re working on now with your hunting
organization I which I think is just so cool about that well no I appreciate it
so I guess one of the things you know that I was my goal to do is the things
I’ve always wanted to do or Hobbies basically take it to the next level and that was hunting
um and when I am I’m out hunting and hiking in the woods I’m not thinking about you know putting on my legs or or
that whole process um and so just that whole idea of you
know getting into the outdoors is the medicine to escape from the struggles of life and that’s where we have a
non-profit here in in Utah and Texas and a few other states called disabled Outdoorsman and uh it’s a non-profit
organization where we take people out of all disabilities um you know chair-bound or amputations
um in getting into the outdoors we do big events uh where we do like uh for
example in a couple weeks we’re doing a youth uh disabled youth shed hunt uh
where they go out finding antlers on the ground and we have a special spot that
we have reserved for these kits and then um in the fall we take out a lot of people hunting camping fishing and uh in
the winter we have a big huge ice fishing event where we had about over 200 people to our event out here where I
live and we we introduce them to the ice and get them get them their first fish on the ice oh my gosh
[Music] where can they go uh they can go to or my chapter here in Utah is do
and I’m actually typing in as well both of your Instagram handles so for Miss Sydney this is her Instagram handle
um and guys you really would love to follow these folks it’s really just amazing there we go
and then for Mr Sydney he’s on at try no feet did I get those right guys did I
get your handles right yeah okay and then uh click medical Jamie went ahead and posted
um for the disabled Outdoorsman uh website there
okay there oh she posted two of them wonderful yep yep okay
all right guys we’re gonna go ahead and wrap it up for this evening but I do want to say a very special thank you to
Sydney marshburn and Sydney Smith both of the Sydney’s this evening thank you guys for sharing your stories with us this evening
um and for being so open and honest about everything that you went through and and how you’re working with everything right now
um and a special thank you to click medical uh I absolutely love working with your team and thank you so much for
the continued support that you’ve shown this show for the past almost two years now
um so guys if you do have any questions about the click medical revofit socket if you have any extra questions for the
Sydney’s you’re more than welcome to email me directly and I will find these answers for you
um so guys thank you once again thank you for letting us be a part of your lives this evening and we will see you
next week same bat Time same bat Channel foreign